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You can't shake hands with a clenched fist.     -Indira Gandhi

Mark's Short Stories

Thanks to these publishers!

Follow the link to view at publisher's site

Any Other Day
Anyone in the mood for a polite murder story? This one illustrates the lengths of savagery women are capable of leading men to before realizing the potential consequences. (Watch out for those quiet ones. They'll kill ya.)
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Dinosaurs of the Apocalypse
Here's a nice little dystopian drama for you. For some reason this was a difficult story to place. Two editors before GNU Journal loved it but had reasons why they felt they couldn't publish it on their sites. Oh well, third time's a charm. You'll find my piece in the Mindscapes and Dreams magazine. Do a word search for my first name and you'll find it quickly. Hope you enjoy it.
M'Buru's Prophet
To be published 11/13/2016
M’buru’s Prophet is an extreme illustration of the everyday occurrence of well-meaning people asserting their religious beliefs on those who already have well-formed convictions.
When Kally and Pete pay a visit to Pete’s cousin Kyle, their proselytizing gets out of hand. Instead of enticing Kyle to join their new religion, they end up threatening his life.
The first magazine editor I submitted this story to was deeply offended by the subject matter. This is a work of fiction, not a judgement on lifestyle or religious beliefs. Having said that, Kyle is kind of an ass.

Never Alone



After the tragic death of his parents, Jim finds an unusual way to cope. Instead of accepting the loss, he tries to convince himself they are still alive. Implementing his plan is painful and awkward at first but Jim perservers and ultimately succeeds. 


Never Alone reveals the fragility of the human psyche when confronted with unexpected loss.


Thanks to Patricia Crisafulli for improving my story with her thoughtful editing, and for her beautifully designed site. You should check it out even if you don't read my story.




If you don't have time to read this 100 word Classic Western micro-fiction story, you should consider a lifestyle change.

The Prince's Choice
The Prince's Choice is a love story, though not necessarily a romance, set in the early to mid-eighteen hundreds, that I wrote back in August of 2016. I submitted it a couple of times unsuccessfully, before moving on to write several books. I recently dusted it off, and am thrilled to have had it accepted by Mannison Press. 
Little Boy Lost: More Tales of Youth Disrupted, is an anthology that includes my piece as well as fourteen others in various styles and genres. What makes this acceptance special to me is that Piers Anthony's story, Ride the Ride, is also included. Amazing!
What Now?
What do you get when you cross a ghost story with a scifi story with a love story with just a touch of spirituality? This crazy 1300 word ghoscilovality story.
You'll never guess what happened. It looks like this publication closed its virtual doors. I wonder if I'm the common thread in their demise. Oh well, since you can still view it here, I'll leave it for the time being. I think I need a cold one.
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