There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed. -Ernest Hemingway
This Is Useful For Teachers
When Kellee and Ricki from Unleashing Readers invited me to write a guest post for their website, they had no idea what they were in for. (12/11/2016)
Other Stuff
The Princes Choice
A short story

My story, The Princes Choice, is one of thirteen short stories included in, Mannison Press', Little Boy Lost: More Tales of Youth Disrupted, anthology.
I was thrilled to be accepted for the anthology, and then I was even more thrilled when I found out my story would be printed alongside a Piers Anthony story.
World famous, genius author of over 190 books, Piers Anthony!
Do you realize what this means? It means I'm every bit as good a writer as Piers Anthony. Who would have thought?
Anyways, please buy the book. Piers has a new wife to feed.
Dinosaurs of the Apocalypse
A short story
My story, Dinosaurs of the Apocalypse, was included in the Mindscapes and Dreams anthology, a GNU Journal sponsored work by National University’s Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program.
The story is about a dystopian episode where America is at war, and is based on a true event that hasn't happened yet but assuredly will in the near future.
The anthology is terrific and my story is a fast-paced and quick read if you're interested. Tap on the icon below to visit the Apple Book Store to buy it. One puppy and 90,000 starving children recieve 5 meals each with the proceeds.
This is an actual rejection I received from TQR: Total Quality Reading, for my story Tile of Tears. It is so hysterical I asked the editor if I can put it on my website, and he agreed. I highly suggest you visit their website. Even if you don't submit to them, it will make you laugh. I love this!!
We sat down and examined the shit out of the capital you sent. It does not grab our collective balls, it does not twist our collective balls, and it does not pull on our twisted balls. But, man, fucking hell, the narrative is long! Right? Might want to make it less so.
We’re tossing you out the Porthole, son. Sorry, man. Good effort. Good fucking effort. The capital is capable, cousin Keep sending it out. Some other zine will engulf it, swallow it, because zines are seriously currently swallowing a lot of ejecta.
Boligard Doomey
The Floor
If that doesn't make you laugh, you need to put a dent in a case of Corona.
The YouTube button on the upper right side of the screen will take you to a video series me and my sister Leslie made called Mountain Mishmash. They have little or nothing to do with writing, but we have a lot of fun making them. It's really her baby. I just sit there and interrupt her with rude or otherwise useless observations - something I'm quite adept at. I also drink beer! Who would have thought?
Me and my sister Leslie attended the Dahlonega Literary Festival on Saturday, March 7th, 2020. We met a lot of nice people and had a great time. I was part of a panel discussion on writing the paranormal, something I rarely write, so that was interesting in a nervous, don't know what to say in front of all these strangers, sort of way. But it went fine nonetheless. Thanks to the organizers and volunteers for a job well done!

Institute For Writers
Many moons ago I took an online writing course from The Institute of Children's Literature. In June of 2019 they recognized me in their Winners' Circle, where they interview graduates who have gone on to be published or win awards and such. It's an honor to be included.
In my interview I mention the most important aspect of being a writer -- that's, of course, beer. Hope you enjoy the interview.